雞玉錦拉麵 台北

雞玉錦拉麵, 台北 信義區市府路45號 - 台北


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Last update on 26/01/2024
34 Reviews
Last update on 20/12/2022
180 Reviews


Angie Lee
The one thing I am obsessed with is ramen everywhere that I go. Nishiki Ramen is on the 3rd floor of the shoppping outlet, if you take the elevator up, it takes up the corner of the 3rd floor. Walking in, the ramen shop looks clean and welcoming. The place was packed, and usually that to me is a good indicator that the place must have good food! My party sat down and we ordered a few appetizers and then decided on our ramen. For apps we had the fried tofu, fried chicken (wet/sauced), and fried meat balls. The Fried Tofu was crispy with a thin outer layer and when you bite into it, the tofu is so soft, it just melts in your mouth. One thing I learned is to put the shredded ginger they give you on the plate in with the soy sauce before you dip the tofu in the soy. The fried chicken was perhaps my favorite of the three appetizers. Usually the fried chicke comes not sauced but I was recommended by the server to order it sauced or wet. OH MAN, good call by the server. I pretty much ate that entire order of fried chicken to myself! The fried meat ball was something new I have never tried and the sauce to dip it in was sweet and very delicious. Next the ramen came. The others at my table ordered the original clear broth and I ordered the white broth. They also gave us a small bowl of pure chicken broth (only by request). I tried both original and white broth and my verdict is I liked the white richer broth more. If you want to go with less stout, go with the original. But if you want rich broth, go with the white broth. You can tell both broths are made with high end ingredients and I came to learn that the white broth is made by stewing the chicken for many more hours compared to the original broth. You can also taste that they use some type of Japanese dried small fish to make the soup base. It is one of the best broths I have had. Next, the noodles. As much as I just bragged about the soup, the noodles is amazing. Its bouncy and very Q. Im not quite sure how to describe it but you can tell it is a very high end hand made noodle. So i asked. I found out the noodle flour is imported from Japan and the noodles are manufactured here in Taiwan. So after a long day of shopping and you are looking for a place to eat, eat here. Don't bother looking elsewhere.
David Chio
Alice Kao
湯濃又不死鹹,麵條軟硬適中,溫泉蛋好吃是一定的,上面的洋蔥薄片和木耳增添口感,不枉大老遠搭高鐵來品嚐,喝到連湯一滴都不剩。 美味極了! 服務也是超級親切的。
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雞玉錦拉麵, 台北 - 信義區市府路45號 - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 74 based on 274 parameters and reviews

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